Sunday, February 27, 2011

Polish Parliament Condemns Belarus

The lower house of Poland's parliament has adopted a resolution condemning the government of Belarus President Aleksander Lukashenko and its policy of political repression.

The resolution, approved unanimously on Friday, expresses solidarity and support for the people of Belarus and calls for the release of all political prisoners.

Belarus' presidential elections on December 19 were widely viewed in the West as fraudulent. Mass protests in Belarus against the vote were met with violent repression and widespread detentions.

Also on Friday, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said Poland's sanctions against Belarus will stay in place as long as the repression continues.

Sikorski said if prisoners are released and conditions allowing for the activities of civil society are established, it would open the possibility of dialogue between the two nations.

Sanctions against Belarus include a travel ban on senior Belarusian officials, including President Lukashenko, and a European Union asset freeze on those found involved in the crackdown.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.

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